Nurturing Practices to Help YouConnect with Your Heart, Re-Member Your Wholeness,

Nurturing Practices to Help You
Connect with Your Heart,
Re-Member Your Wholeness,

& Come Home to Yourself


Jenn Gaudreau

I offer safe and nourishing spaces using restorative practices, sound healing, cacao, and the voice to lovingly support you in nurturing your heart, connecting to your inner wisdom, tending to your nervous system, and cultivating radical self-compassion.

I also help artists, healers, wild hearts, conscious creators, empathic leaders, and mindfulness practitioners gain clarity on your message so you can embody authentic expression, share your soul medicine, connect with your community, and live out your sacred mission in the world with compassion and integrity.

My name is Jenn (she/her). I'm a yoga teacher, ceremonial space-holder, photographer, Business Mentor, and carrier of sacred song.

Hello Beautiful Soul!

Find support for your sacred work through strategy, ritual, and intuitive guidance in a one-off mentor session or multi-session ceremonial experience.


Intuitive Business Mentorship

Share your heart and embody your essence in these custom ceremonial photo sessions designed to capture your radiance.


Soulful Photography


Join me in nurturing community yoga, sound, and cacao ceremonies online and in-person in St. Pete, FL and Topsham, UK.

Community Practice


Be held in sacred space in a private ceremony in-person or online to connect with your heart, deepen your practice, and come home to yourself.

Personal Healing Sessions

Choose Your Adventure

Let's Create Magic Together!

Thank you so much, Jenn, for that deliciously relaxing and heart-connecting experience! It fully aligned with—and continued—the intention I set this morning and the space I had been in just before our CEREMONY. I’m so grateful for your beautiful gift to us today of your voice and the deep rest I so needed! 

Elaine Christine

I dropped in immediately with THE MANTRA PRACTICE AND SOUND MEDITATION, and i felt such a deep connection to my heart. as you sang over us, it was like being cradled by your voice in the loving arms of the mother. I FELT SO INCREDIBLY HELD BY YOUR NURTURING ENERGY. You have left a lasting resonance, everyone I speak to who attended MENTIONS you. thank you so much.

Tansy Baigent

I WANTED TO send some love and gratitude your way for The beautiful cacao ceremony and the ceremonial branding work we have been doing together. You're an angel! I feel invigorated by our conversationS and the sacred space you CREATE. I'm shedding a lot to make room for what's to come, and these offerings have uplifted and fed my spirit in profound ways. I HAVE come to see that precisely now is the time to step in fully and share- TO join in the healing of the despair in the world. Thank you for seeing me and for the supportive nature in which you have held space for me. I am so grateful to have crossed paths!

Jelisa Difo

Thank you for such a beautiful and healing session last night. Your voice is absolutely astounding and angelic. I really loved how you started with gratitude for the land that we stand on - it was so profound to connect in that way. I always feel like I'm on borrowed space as a second-generation immigrant in western lands. But to hear and give thanks that we are all on borrowed land from the context of the original stewards was very healing. Thank you so much for your beautiful energy and space you have held, Jenn.

Manasa Kanithi

Jenn held such a sacred space for me and captured the essence of who I truly am. I cannot recommend her enough. If you want to feel like a radiant, beautiful goddess; if you want to feel seen and have your soul captured in your images; if you want to learn more about yourself and your brand, you owe it to yourself to connect with her!

Kristi Amdahl

I can't tell you enough how much I love my Magdalene Circle Soul Brand photos- they capture everything I want for the organization and make me feel so good in my own skin!! These are honestly the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen of myself, and I know that a lot of that has to do with your ability to bring out that creative spark within every person that you encounter! You really captured my spirit, and I am so grateful.

Karen Ross

I can’t express how incredibly grateful I am for you and how you have held sacred space. You’ve truly created such a magical process! Your branding exercises have brought so much light and clarity, and I’m reconnecting stronger and stronger to my voice, my message, and the me that I want to express. It has helped to strengthen, encourage, shift perspective, and allow for expansion, vulnerability, and growth. I’ve transformed so much from the beginning. And I have been filled with inspiration for my offerings, and how to get myself out there so I can book clients. Thank you for helping me in my journey!

Monica Martin

I am so excited to let you know that I shared my story for the first time in front of a group of people! our work together prepared me for this pivotal moment. Sharing my story was an Initiation. It helped me shed some layers around fear and realize it is ok to share these things. People said they were touched and it was so relatable. It made me realize I need to come out of my hiding place more. Thank you so much for this POTENT branding and story work we are doing together and for holding such A deep, safe space FOR ME.

Astaria Light

Remember Your Wholeness.

Nurture your heart. connect in community.

©2024 Jenn Gaudreau, LLC.

EST. 2006